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Software interface
There are several software interfaces available to monitor the status of the u.RECS system. These are the Management WebGUI and a REST API providing XML based monitoring and management functionality.
Management WebGUI
The Management WebGUI is established on every u.RECS unit. Accessible by any known browser on the assigned IP address and the default port 443. The following views are dependent on the device and assembly.
In general these symbols have the following meaning on every page:
![]() | Everything is OK. Also indicated by a green line in a graph. |
![]() | Warnung. Something is wrong, but the system is still fully functional. The system has to be checked so the problem doesn't get worse. Indicated by a yellow line in a graph. |
![]() | Critical Error. The system must be checked immediately and maybe has to be shut down to prevent hardware damage. indicated by a red line in a graph. |
The u.RECS Management API is accessible via the IP-Address or the hostname of the u.RECS. The basic URL of the API has the format https://[ip-address]/REST/[system/baseboard/node]
with http
or https
, depending on your configuration. Therefore, please check the following URL as an example:
Accessing the REST API requires HTTP Basic authentication. The password of the admin account can be changed in the Settings page.
The u.RECS Management API makes all hardware components available as XML trees. The following components are supported by the API:
Attribute | Description |
node | A single node |
baseboard | Overview about the baseboard that can be equipped with 1 or 2 nodes |
system | Overview of the whole system (baseboard + node) |
lorawan | Enables communication to LoRaWAN application servers |
Many resources also return lists of components. These are named according to the scheme <component name>List (e.g. nodeList) and contain the elements of the list.
Example XML:
<nodeList> <node maxPowerUsage="26" baseboardPosition="0" architecture="unknown (SMARC)" baseboardId="RCU_0_BB_1" voltage="5.64" actualNodePowerUsage="2.8" actualPowerUsage="2.8" state="0" lastPowerState="0" defaultPowerState="0" rcuId="RCU_0" health="OK" lastSensorUpdate="1369" id="RCU_0_BB_1_0" present="true" bootDevice="0" uartPort="0" forceRecovery="false"/> <node maxPowerUsage="27" baseboardPosition="1" architecture="ARM + iGPU" baseboardId="RCU_0_BB_1" voltage="5.64" actualNodePowerUsage="2.8" actualPowerUsage="2.8" state="0" lastPowerState="0" defaultPowerState="0" rcuId="RCU_0" health="OK" lastSensorUpdate="1369" id="RCU_0_BB_1_1" present="false" mpciePresent="false" forceRecovery="false"/> </nodeList>
The following table shows the possible attributes (some are optional) and their meaning:
Attribute | Description | Unit | Data type |
id | Unique ID for referencing the component | - | String |
rcuId | Unique ID for referencing the underlying RCU (for backwards compatibility to the RECS®|Box series | - | String |
actualPowerUsage | Actual power consumption of a node (Node + PEG) | W | Double |
actualNodePowerUsage | Actual power consumption of a node (Node only) | W | Double |
maxPowerUsage | Maximum power the node can draw | W | Integer |
baseboardId | ID of the baseboard which hosts the node | - | String |
baseboardPosition | Position of the node on the baseboard | - | Integer |
state | Actual power state of the node (0=Off, 1=On, 2=Soft-off, 3=Standby, 4=Hibernate) | - | Integer |
lastPowerState | Last power state of the node which can be used to recover after a power failure (0=Off, 1=On, 2=Soft-off, 3=Standby, 4=Hibernate) | - | Integer |
defaultPowerState | Defines the power-on-state in which the node should be after a power failure (0=Off, 1=On, 2=lastPowerState) | - | Integer |
architecture | Architecture (x86, arm, UNKNOWN) | - | String |
health | Health status of the node (OK, Warning, Critical) | - | String |
voltage | Supply voltage of the baseboard | V | Double |
lastSensorUpdate | Unix-style epoche timestamp of the last sensor update | s | Long |
present | Node is plugged in and detected | - | Boolean |
mpciePresent | mPCIe card is plugged in and detected | - | Boolean |
forceRecovery | Force Recovery pin is pulled high (only for Nvidia Jetson) | - | Boolean |
uartPort | Number of the UART port which is connected to the USB-C Serial Port | - | Integer |
In accordance to the component node the API offers nodeList which returns multiple instances of node.
Example XML:
<baseboard serialNumber="90380CA9D524" rcuPosition="0" baseboardType="u.RECS" id="RCU_0_BB_1" lastSensorUpdate="358" rcuId="RCU_0" inputVoltage="22.93" boardVoltage1V0="1.97" boardVoltage1V2="2.05" boardVoltage1V5="2.05" boardVoltage1V8="2.05" boardVoltage2V5="2.82" boardVoltage5V0="5.64" totalPowerUsage="11.24" usbPowerUsage="2.8" mPciePowerUsage="1.64" m2PowerUsage="1.64" ethSwitchPowerUsage="0" poePowerUsagePort1="0" poePowerUsagePort2="0" regulatorsTemperature="0" ambientTemperature="0" fanSpeed="100" systemFan1Rpm="0" systemFan2Rpm="0" loraJoined="false" loraJoinEui="0000000000000000" loraDevEui="1234561234561234" loraAppKey="01234567890123456789012345678901" loraVendorID="FFFF" loraVendorProfileID="0001" loraRssi="16" poeDetectionStatusPort1="0" poeDetectionStatusPort2="0" firmwareVersion="0837db2"> <nodeId>RCU_0_BB_1_0</nodeId> <nodeId>RCU_0_BB_1_1</nodeId> </baseboard>
The attributes have the following meaning:
Attribute | Description | Unit | Data type |
id | Unique ID for referencing the component | - | String |
inputVoltage | Voltage of the input power | Volt | Double |
boardVoltage1V0 | Voltage of the internal 1.0V power rail | V | Double |
boardVoltage1V2 | Voltage of the internal 1.2V power rail | V | Double |
boardVoltage1V5 | Voltage of the internal 1.5V power rail | V | Double |
boardVoltage1V8 | Voltage of the internal 1.8V power rail | V | Double |
boardVoltage2V5 | Voltage of the internal 2.5V power rail | V | Double |
boardVoltage5V0 | Voltage of the internal 5.0V power rail | V | Double |
totalPowerUsage | Total power usage of the whole u.RECS, measured at the power plug | W | Double |
usbPowerUsage | Power usage of the whole USB hub and external USB ports | W | Double |
mPciePowerUsage | Power usage of the mPCIe card | W | Double |
m2PowerUsage | Power usage of the top M.2 card | W | Double |
ethSwitchPowerUsage | Power usage of the Ethernet switch | W | Double |
poePowerUsagePort1 | PoE power output at Eth Port 1 | W | Double |
poePowerUsagePort2 | PoE power output at Eth Port 2 | W | Double |
regulatorsTemperature | Temperature of the main power regulators | °C | Integer |
ambientTemperature | Ambient temperature | °C | Integer |
fanSpeed | Set fan speed (0-100) | - | % |
systemFan1Rpm | Rotational speed of system fan 1 | RPM | Integer |
systemFan2Rpm | Rotational speed of system fan 1 | RPM | Integer |
loraJoined | u.RECS successfully joined/connected to the TTN, which needs to be done after every reboot | - | Boolean |
loraJoinEui | u.RECS LoRa Join EUI, always 0 for now | - | Integer |
loraDevEui | u.RECS specific LoRa Dev EUI | - | Integer |
loraAppKey | u.RECS specific, random generated LoRa App Key | - | Integer |
loraVendorID | christmann specific LoRa vendor ID, FFFF for now | - | Hex |
loraVendorProfileID | christmann u.RECS LoRa vendor profile ID, always 0001 | - | Hex |
loraRssi | Measured signal strength of the last recevied message (incl. join responses) | dBm | Integer |
poeDetectionStatusPort1 | Raw status of the PoE detection status of Eth Port 1, please see PoE status decoder on how to decode the status | - | Integer |
poeDetectionStatusPort2 | Raw status of the PoE detection status of Eth Port 2, please see PoE status decoder on how to decode the status | - | Integer |
firmwareVersion | Actual running firmware version | - | Hex |
The output of the /REST/system
API call returns a combined output of /REST/node
and /REST/baseboard
, which eases the monitoring of the whole system with one call.
Example XML:
<system> <baseboard serialNumber="90380CA9D524" rcuPosition="0" baseboardType="u.RECS" id="RCU_0_BB_1" lastSensorUpdate="1403" rcuId="RCU_0" inputVoltage="22.93" boardVoltage1V0="1.97" boardVoltage1V2="2.05" boardVoltage1V5="2.05" boardVoltage1V8="2.05" boardVoltage2V5="2.82" boardVoltage5V0="5.64" totalPowerUsage="11.24" usbPowerUsage="2.8" mPciePowerUsage="1.64" m2PowerUsage="1.64" ethSwitchPowerUsage="0" poePowerUsagePort1="0" poePowerUsagePort2="0" regulatorsTemperature="0" ambientTemperature="0" fanSpeed="100" systemFan1Rpm="0" systemFan2Rpm="0" loraJoined="false" loraJoinEui="0000000000000000" loraDevEui="1234561234561234" loraAppKey="01234567890123456789012345678901" loraVendorID="FFFF" loraVendorProfileID="0001" poeDetectionStatusPort1="0" poeDetectionStatusPort2="0" firmwareVersion="0837db2-dirty"> <nodeId>RCU_0_BB_1_0</nodeId> <nodeId>RCU_0_BB_1_1</nodeId> </baseboard> <nodeList> <node maxPowerUsage="26" baseboardPosition="0" architecture="unknown (SMARC)" baseboardId="RCU_0_BB_1" voltage="5.64" actualNodePowerUsage="2.8" actualPowerUsage="2.8" state="0" lastPowerState="0" defaultPowerState="0" rcuId="RCU_0" health="OK" lastSensorUpdate="1403" id="RCU_0_BB_1_0" present="true" bootDevice="0" forceRecovery="false"/> <node maxPowerUsage="27" baseboardPosition="1" architecture="ARM + iGPU" baseboardId="RCU_0_BB_1" voltage="5.64" actualNodePowerUsage="2.8" actualPowerUsage="2.8" state="0" lastPowerState="0" defaultPowerState="0" rcuId="RCU_0" health="OK" lastSensorUpdate="1403" id="RCU_0_BB_1_1" present="false" mpciePresent="false" forceRecovery="false"/> </nodeList> </system>
The resources are split into monitoring resources (for pure information gathering) and management resources (for changing the system configuration or state).
For monitoring the following resources are available:
Attribute | Description | HTTP Method |
/node | Returns a nodeList with all nodes of the system | GET |
/baseboard | Returns an overview of the baseboard including the installed nodes | GET |
/system | Returns an overview of the baseboard and all nodes. It includes all information of /baseboard and /node which makes it easy to get the whole system status with one REST call. | GET |
The management of individual components can be found under the “manage” path of the component.
Attribute | Description | HTTP method | Parameter |
/node/{node_id}/manage/power_on | Turns on the node with the given ID and returns updated node XML | POST | |
/node/{node_id}/manage/power_off | Turns off the node with the given ID and returns updated node XML | POST | |
/node/{node_id}/manage/reset | Resets the node with the given ID and returns updated node XML | POST | |
/node/{node_id}/manage/select_kvm | Switches the KVM port of the RECS®|Box Computing Unit containing the node to the node with the given ID and returns updated node XML | PUT | |
/rcu/{rcu_id}/manage/set_fans | Sets the overall fan speed of the RCU with the given ID and returns the curent status of the RCU | PUT | percent={value} |
/node/RCU_0_BB_1_0/manage/set_uart_port | Set the debug UART of the SMARC Module to a given port | PUT | port={value} (0..3 integer value) |
The LoRaWAN interface allows up and downlink connections to an application server. Payload can be scheduled and collected by interfacing the Management REST API.
Attribute | Description | HTTP method |
/lorawan/uplink/{fport} | Schedules uplink packet to the application endpoint for the specified fport | POST |
/lorawan/downlink/{fport} | Responds with incoming downlink LoRaWAN messages for the specified fport | GET |
Example HTTP Body on GET request:
<lorawan> <payload>{custom lorawan payload}</payload> <time>{timestamp}</time> </lorawan>
Example HTTP Body on POST request:
<lorawan> <payload>{custom lorawan payload}</payload> </lorawan>
The Frame Port (fport) separates different communication parties on the API, and functions as an identifyer for the message sender / reciever. When using the REST API, you are free to choose a value between 2 - 223. FPort 1 is reserved for the management controller.
Information about the success or failure of management requests are returned via HTTP status codes. Please have a look at RFC2616 for an overview about the defined HTTP status codes.
LoRa Message
The u.RECS supports upstream and downstream LoRa messages to The Things Network (TTN). The following table gives the LoRa message meaning of version 0.
All system related management communication (excluding the REST API) uses FPort 1.
Upstream message payload layout:
Byte(s) | Description | Unit | Data type |
0 | u.RECS Lora Message-Version | - | Byte |
1 | Node Info Smarc/Jetson, Bits: present_smarc / present_jetson / on_smarc / on_jetson | - | 2 x 2 Bits |
2 | Regulators temperature: | °C | Byte (-127..+127) |
3 | Ambient temperature: | °C | Byte (-127..+127) |
4-5 | System fan 1: | RPM | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
6-7 | System fan 2: | RPM | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
8-9 | Smarc Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
10-11 | Jetson Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
12-13 | u.RECS Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
14-15 | USB Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
16-17 | mPCIe Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
18-19 | M.2 Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
20-21 | Ethernet Switch Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
22-23 | PoE Eth Port 1 Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
24-25 | PoE Eth Port 2 Power Usage: | mW | Unsigned Short (0..65535) |
26 | PoE Status Port 1 | - (see below) | Byte |
27 | PoE Status Port 2 | - (see below) | Byte |
The u.RECS supports basic control functions over LoRaWAN. Downstream message payloads:
Change power state for node:
Byte(s) | Description | Unit | Data type |
0 | Lora Message-Version | - | Byte |
1 | Node ID | - | Byte |
2 | LoRa Command (0x01 = ON, 0x02 = OFF, 0x03 = RESET) | - | Byte |
PoE status decoder
Here is some C-Code to decode the PoE Status:
PoE Status Bytes: switch (status & 0xF) { case 0: ret = "Detection unknown"; break; case 1: ret = "Short circuit"; break; case 2: ret = "Capacitive"; break; case 3: ret = "RLOW"; break; case 4: ret = "RGOOD"; break; case 5: ret = "RHIGH"; break; case 6: ret = "Open circuit"; break; case 7: ret = "PSE to PSE"; break; case 15: ret = "MOSFET fault"; break; } if ((status & 0xF) == 4) { // RGOOD switch ((status >> 4) & 0xF) { case 0: ret += ", class unknown"; break; case 1: ret += ", class 1"; break; case 2: ret += ", class 2"; break; case 3: ret += ", class 3"; break; case 4: ret += ", class 4"; break; case 6: ret += ", class 0"; break; case 7: ret += ", overcurrent"; break; case 8: ret += ", class 5 4P single signature"; break; case 12: ret += ", class 4 type 1 limited"; break; case 13: ret += ", class 5 legacy"; break; case 15: ret += ", class mismatch"; break; }